Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Thorough Description of Star-Crossed Lovers

First, an archetype means the original form of a person or an object in which similar examples have patterns and are emulated from. They could be applied to an image, symbol, or theme and could be expressed in dreams, literature, myths, or fantasies. Archetypes are symbols we see everyday,but don't realize or recognize them.
Star-Crossed Lovers is a great example of an archetype. Star-Crossed Lovers is an archetype that associates with two characters. These two characters are deeply in love, but are separated by fate. They could be a couple in love whose relationship was said to be doomed from the beginning or society, family, or a tragic situation causes the couple to end their relationship.
Star-Crossed Lovers was first coined in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
---"From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, / a pair of star-cross'd lovers, take their life." (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet). - This talks about how Romeo and Juliet's relationship ended tragically.
Star-Crossed Lovers could be seen in many different sources. This archetype can be depicted in a story about the protagonist and an antagonist. It could be depicted in many ways, such as a hero who can't be with his/her lover because being with him/her could cause their death. Another example could be that they are from two different worlds. There are many other examples : to view scroll down.